Review: Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Oil Pure Vegetable Soap

Trader Joe's Tea Tree Oil Pure Vegetable Soap

Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Oil Pure Vegetable Soap

It’s time for a review on Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Oil Pure Vegetable Soap! I’ve been using this soap bar for at least a week already. I think that’s a good amount of time to tell if it’s any good or not. Let’s review what this Tea Tree Oil Pure Vegetable Soap is about!

Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Oil Pure Vegetable Soap:

Ingredients: Sodium Palmate, Sodium Palm Kernelate, Water, Glycerin, Tea Tree Oil, Sodium Chloride, Pentasodium Penetate. ~ Like the Trader Joe’s Hyaluronic Moisture Boost Serum, the ingredient list is short too. Good, good. The less ingredients, the better. 🙂

One week of using Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Oil Pure Vegetable Soap, and this is what I experienced. This soap bar is an off-white color soap bar that has a light tea tree oil fragrance to it. Tea tree oil is listed as the fifth ingredient on the ingredient list. The smell of the tea tree oil isn’t powerful whatsoever. Don’t be alarmed. Really, you’re not going to end up smelling like tea tree oil in public. I thought the same. Nope! Not at all. As for cleansing, it cleans the skin well without stripping the natural oils off. It didn’t irritate my skin at all. In other words, it feels very gentle and pure on the skin. I like the soap bar, but I’m not too excited about it. I just wish the tea tree oil was more powerful than it is. It’s not a bad soap bar. Not sure if I’ll buy it again. Maybe once in a while when I’m at Trader Joe’s shopping for food. If you have sensitive, dry, itchy skin, this would probably work for you. It’s extremely gentle without leaving any residue behind. I also love how it’s vegan, cruelty-free, and there’s no animal-testing. I would so make the switch just because of that! Especially when it hasn’t caused any break-outs or rashes on my skin. I think that’s awesome!

I’m falling in love with tea tree oil products all together! It’s a more natural and safer way to clean the skin. My face wash also contains tea tree oil. It’s called Trader Joe’s Spa Face Wash with Tea Tree OilCheck out my 2 Weeks review here. I will make an update on it soon. I think it’s been over a month of using it already. ?

Photos of Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Oil Pure Vegetable Soap:

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Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Oil Pure Vegetable Soap

Trader Joe's Tea Tree Oil Pure Vegetable Soap

Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Oil Pure Vegetable Soap

As you can see from my posts, I’m pretty obsessed with tea tree oil skin care products right now, lol. I picked up this soap bar at Trader Joe’s when I was shopping for healthy foods. Also, when I picked up Trader Joe’s Hyaluronic Moisture Boost Serum. The beauty section at Trader Joe’s is so tempting due to its cruelty-free-ness. OK! I just made up a new word. But really, I’ve been trying to search for vegan, cruelty-free beauty products high and low. Trader Joe’s just happens to have them all. The ingredients are very simple. I love it. So what’s the deal with this soap bar? Let’s go into more detail.

Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Oil Pure Vegetable Soap is obviously a pure vegetable soap bar. It is produced with no animal by-products. There’s no animal testing (yay!), and it is cruelty-free. It’s hard to tell from the photo that there are 2 bars in a single package. I’ll post more photos when I review this item. I promise. ? On the front packaging, it says contains two, 4 oz bars. There. Proof. ?

Ingredients: Sodium Palmate, Sodium Palm Kernelate, Water, Glycerin, Tea Tree Oil, Sodium Chloride, Pentasodium Penetate.

I’m very intrigued with the simplicity of this basic tea tree oil soap bar. No guys, I’m not going to use it on my delicate facial skin. I never use soap bars on my face. Ever. I would break out in cystic acne if I did. I will be using this soap bar on my body. I wonder if it works better than Dove or even Olay. We will have to see! Have you used Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Oil Pure Vegetable Soap? Does it work? What are your thoughts on it? Leave a comment! Try Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Oil Pure Vegetable Soap with me!


© xfurbeauty