Review: Benton Aloe Propolis Soothing Gel

Benton Aloe Propolis Soothing Gel

I finally made the decision to add a skin care product into my minimal skin care routine. I did try to add a product before. It was Benton Snail Bee High Content Essence. Check out my review! So I ended up choosing another Benton skin care product. It just happened to be Benton. The product I chose is Benton Aloe Propolis Soothing Gel. My skin was feeling dry, and I needed to replenish that moisture without having to use a heavy moisturizer that would most likely clog my pores. This seems to be it. The ingredients are simple. It contains aloe and propolis to soothe irritated skin. It also contains betaine, cucumber extract, and allantoin. They’re all good for calming and moisturizing the skin. The purpose of this aloe gel is not only to soothe and moisturize the skin but also to fade acne scars and brighten the skin tone. Awesome! It’s a gel, so I thought it would be better for my super oily skin. Hopefully it doesn’t clog my pores. I can’t remember if it did the first time. But I’ve used it for about a week already. Here are my thoughts and results on it! I hope this is helpful. 🙂

I didn’t think I would add Benton Aloe Propolis Soothing Gel into my routine again, but I needed something quick to moisturize my skin. This is the most lightweight moisturizer I have without having to purchase another skin care product. I didn’t feel like finding or buying another moisturizer. I have so many of them sitting around, and they’re taking up a lot of space. I noticed that I had some Benton Aloe Propolis Soothing Gel left. Thought I’d take a gamble and try it out again. Who knows. It could work out.

Did it work? Did it break me out? What happened? Read on to find out!

So this aloe gel has an odd smell to it. I can’t pinpoint what it smells like, but it smells weird. I became accustomed to the smell of the product after a while. ha. I don’t even think about it anymore. When applying the aloe gel to the facial skin, it feels soothing and calming. It’s definitely refreshing due to the cooling effect. It feels very nice on the skin. If you have a damaged moisture barrier, it can sting a bit, but the stinging sensation goes away soon enough. The aloe gel glides on to the skin and soothes it wonderfully. It feels a tad sticky at first and doesn’t absorb too quickly into the skin. Just give it less than a minute then pat, pat, and pat some more. The gel eventually settles into the skin leaving the skin with a matte finish. This is perfect for oily skin! It leaves the skin feeling moisturized, but it doesn’t leave the skin feeling extremely moisturized. Don’t expect something that moisturizes the skin like a lotion would. It’s a very lightweight gel moisturizer for the skin. Since I do have oily skin, I think it’s good enough. I’ve used heavier, more moisturizing creams and lotions that worked to moisturize my skin but clogged my pores. I ended up with a pizza face. Not worth it. I rather play it safe knowing how my skin reacts to heavier, rich products.

So did Benton Aloe Propolis Soothing Gel clog my pores??!!

The moment is here. Did it cause breakouts? So I’ve used it for a week! After a week of using Benton Aloe Propolis Soothing Gel, I haven’t experienced any breakouts. I was a little worried at first, but I haven’t experienced any acne at all. My skin is doing quite well on it. I didn’t expect this to happen. Now I’m looking back at my previous skin care routine, I really think it was The Ordinary that clogged my pores. I’m not saying they’re bad products. They (most) just work better on my body than my face. And I haven’t used any of their products on my face besides the caffeine eye serum (which is awesome by the way, don’t forget to check out my review on it!!). Something about The Ordinary gives me closed comedones and a bunch of random blackheads. With the aloe gel, I’m really happy with the results so far. The changes aren’t drastic but at least I’m getting some moisture in. My skin looks really good at the moment.

This is what the Benton Aloe Propolis Soothing Gel looks like. It’s glowy. ✨

Benton Aloe Propolis Soothing Gel

✅ Pros

❌ Cons

Yay! I have a new skin care product in my routine! I’ve been searching for a moisturizer for so long, but I had one right here all along. It’s Benton Aloe Propolis Soothing Gel! It’s not the most moisturizing thing in the world, but it’s good enough for my skin. And it hasn’t clogged my pores or done any other weird things to it. It’s working for me. As for acne scars and brightening the complexion, I haven’t used it long enough to notice changes in acne scars or my complexion. Within a week, nothing. But I did start using the aloe gel again for the moisture. It’ll be nice if it does help with acne scars and evening out my complexion. I’ll keep an eye on that. After using the aloe gel, my skin doesn’t feel dry or taut anymore. I actually look forward to applying this aloe gel to my skin. It feels very soothing and calms down my irritated, dry skin. My skin looks more refined and cleaner afterwards. I like it just because it gives my skin some moisture. It’s better than nothing. If you have trouble finding a moisturizer due to having clog-prone skin, try this one. I highly recommend it, especially for people with oily, acne-prone skin.

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