Review: Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Face Gel Hydrator

I picked up a new moisturizer/hydrator. It’s the Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Face Gel Hydrator! My skin was very dry from the acne products I was using. My skin was falling apart. Flakey, crusty, peeling. I needed a moisturizing product. I stumbled upon the Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Face Gel Hydrator and thought I would give it a shot. It comes in a large tube also (5.0 oz bottle). Maybe it might work. Maybe not. This is my experience with this product!
The texture of the product is a lightweight gel. It’s soft, smooth, and easy to apply to the skin. Once applied to the skin, it makes the skin look so much better. I loved how it made my skin appear softer and smoother after a single application. My skin felt hydrated, and it helped alleviate any dryness I was experiencing. The product does contain the ingredient dimethicone. Hmmm! That’s what’s giving it that silky, smooth texture, which I love very much!
So I used it for about a week. The first couple of days went well. The rest of the week? I questioned the product since I was noticing some breakouts in random places. My skin felt good, but weird things were going on with my skin. Since it contains dimethicone (a hit or miss for my skin), I thought it was breaking me out. I continued to use it because I was hoping for the best. Unfortunately, my skin started to get clogged up so fast. I really wanted this moisturizer to work! I can’t seem to find a moisturizer that works on my skin. On a good note, the 4% nicinamide helped to fade some acne scars and brightened my skin. My skin texture, pores, and acne marks looked SO much better using this product! But it didn’t do any good for my acnegenic skin. And the bottle says that it won’t clog pores too. That was a lie. At least for my skin. Back to the drawing board. sigh I’ll use the rest under my eyes or something. It works great as a makeup primer!
Acne Skin, Fragrance Free, Hydrator, Neutrogena, Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Face Gel Hydrator, Niacinamide, Pro-Vitamin B5, Review, Skin Care