My Week 3 BP Results!

If you missed out on my updated skin care routine 👈🏻
Some changes have been made, hehe.
Here are my week 3 results!!
I took a break from tazorac and benzoyl peroxide as an all-over skin treatment this week. My skin looked a bit flaky and crusty. If I continued on with these products, my skin would look like crap. I just wasn’t feeling the all-over the face acne treatments like taz and benzoyl peroxide this week. I still used benzoyl peroxide though. Only as a spot treatment. I only targeted my breakout-prone areas. If I see a pimple forming or has formed, I’ll dab a little bit of benzoyl peroxide on that pimple. At the beginning to mid-week, I didn’t use any leave-on actives besides spot treating with benzoyl peroxide. At the end of the week, I noticed pimples that benzoyl peroxide wasn’t able to get at. I started using Paula’s Choice 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant again. Since I’m not using much (not even a moisturizer), I thought I would give this product a try again, haha. After eliminating so many products including moisturizer, the quality of my skin improved. It looks more natural. The texture of my skin is more refined and healthy-looking. Even with the positives, my skin has been extremely oily. And it’s not from not using a moisturizer. I think it’s my sunscreen. I’m currently using CeraVe Hydrating Mineral Sunscreen SPF 30 Face Sheer Tint. I haven’t been using Trader Joe’s Daily Facial Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 40 much. Maybe once a week or skip it? haha. CeraVe Hydrating Mineral Sunscreen SPF 30 Face Sheer Tint makes my skin feel oily/greasy, and it could be causing issues that I didn’t expect. I wish I could go sunscreen-free. No products on the skin is best for my skin. *sigh* But that’s never going to happen.
Paula’s Choice 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant used to dry my skin out (when used with a moisturizer). The times I used it this week, I didn’t experience skin dryness, redness, peeling, or any other skin irritations. Nothing. My skin took this product pretty well. It helped to decrease sebum on my skin, but it didn’t help much with my acne. Hmmm! I noticed even more pimples, which was not from purging. The bha liquid didn’t do much to unclog stubborn clogged pores. Boooo!! I’m not sure if I’m going to keep using it. Perhaps once or twice a week. It’s not as effective against acne (on my skin anyways) compared to when I first used it. Darn, I have a lot of product left too. 😭 So I went back to using benzoyl peroxide. I might take another week off of taz. We’ll see what happens to my skin next week. Nothing seems to work on my acne anymore besides benzoyl peroxide.
Some things I’m thinking about switching out: my sunscreen and cleanser. Neutrogena Hydro Boost Hydrating Cleansing Gel with Hyaluronic Acid Fragrance Free has been OK. I’m thinking about switching over to a face wash that contains benzoyl peroxide since I’m not using anything on my skin/face besides an acne treatment and sunscreen. I’m not liking my current sunscreens either. I need a sunscreen that’s more lightweight and less oily/greasy. The ones I’m using could be causing acne issues. Mostly CeraVe. I use it the most out of the two. My skin doesn’t look good after using it. I always make sure to remove it properly too. I think it could be the fact that sunscreens feel super occlusive on the skin, which could lead to breakouts. I have annoying skin. What to do? lol. Nothing ever works for my skin type. 😢
That’s my update for this week! Have a splendid day!
Catch up on my experiences!
Restarting Tret & My First Week Experience
My Week 2 Results With Tret. Changes I’ve Made.
Acne, Anti-Aging, Antioxidant, Beauty, Face Wash, Moisturizer, Skin Care, Sunblock
Tags:Acne, Acne Marks, Acne Prone Skin, Acne Scars, Acne Skin, Acne Skin Care, Acne Skin Care Routine, Anti-Aging, Beauty, BHA Liquid, Broad Spectrum, CeraVe, CeraVe Hydrating Mineral Sunscreen SPF 30 Face Sheer Tint, Experience, Face Wash, Facial Cleanser, Hyaluronic Acid, Hydro Boost, Lifestyle, Mineral Sunscreen, Mineral Tinted Sunscreen, Neutrogena, Neutrogena Hydro Boost Hydrating Cleansing Gel with Hyaluronic Acid Fragrance Free, Paula's Choice 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant, Results, Review, Salicyllic Acid, Sheer Tint, Skin Care, Skin Care Routine, Skincare, SPF 30, SPF 40, Sunblock, Sunscreen, Trader Joe’s Daily Facial Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 40, Week 3, Week 3 Experience, Week 3 Results, Wrinkles