Eucerin Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream & Breakouts

Eucerin Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream

I stopped using Eucerin Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream. I was wondering where some of my closed comedones and random breakouts were coming from. I wondered if it was the Eucerin Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream that was clogging my pores. The breakouts were either from Eucerin or Vanicream (my new moisturizer). I’ve been using the Eucerin face cream quite consistently. If you missed out on my first thoughts on Eucerin Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream, click here. With the Eucerin cream, I was hoping that it would help lessen my dry skin problems while I was on my acne treatment. I didn’t have a good moisturizer during that time. I was using gels, essences, and serums, since my skin tend to have issues with heavier moisturizers and creams. It’s either a hit or miss. Mostly misses. I have oily skin that’s acne-prone and anything could potentially cause breakouts. Using Eucerin was unpredictable. I didn’t get breakouts for the first few weeks. Next thing you know it, I would get breakouts. But was it from Eucerin or something else? Hmmm! I kept using Eucerin because I didn’t think it could be the product that was clogging my pores, but I’m starting to think that it is. I’ve removed so many products from my routine and it all comes down to two products as I mentioned earlier — Eucerin or Vanicream (I hope it’s not this!!). I’ve been using my other skin care products for a good amount of time to know that it doesn’t cause acne. It’s between these two moisturizers. So, here I am eliminating another product from my routine. This is what happened when I stopped using Eucerin Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream!

My skin felt and looked cleaner.

After I stopped using Eucerin Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream, my face felt and looked cleaner, less greasy, and less heavy. The product was obviously way too thick and heavy for my skin type. It’s weird because it didn’t feel heavy on the skin once the cream absorbs. But the texture of the cream was heavy and greasy when applied to the skin. I could easily move the cream around on my face without tugging my skin. In a way, I can see why I continued to use the face cream. The texture was nice. It somewhat helped moisturize my skin compared to everything else I was using. It was the closest thing to a moisturizer that I had. When using the cream, it felt like I was moisturizing and pampering my skin. Since I’ve been spoiled by another moisturizer (Vanicream), I can definitely say that Eucerin doesn’t leave the skin feeling truly moisturized. My skin would appear cracked and dry after using it twice a day. The moisture didn’t last too long on the skin. Eucerin didn’t help heal damaged skin either. It’s not good at repairing and calming red, irritated skin. It only helped to moisturize the skin at the moment. It didn’t leave the skin feeling softer, smoother, or even silky afterwards. I didn’t see any positive changes in my skin while using it. My skin just didn’t feel moisturized in the end like it’s supposed to. The results didn’t last.

Did it help with wrinkles??

This face cream claims that it can reduce fine lines and wrinkles in as little as 5 weeks. From my experience, no, it didn’t help with fine lines and wrinkles in as little as 5 weeks. I’ve gone through plenty of jars. I’ve been using this face cream since the beginning of the year. I haven’t noticed a change in fine lines and wrinkles at all. None. The product contains shea butter, ubiquinone, vitamin e, biotin, and vitamin c, but it was just not effective. I didn’t see any improvements in the texture or quality of my skin, which was quite disappointing. If you’re searching for a face cream that works for fine lines and wrinkles, this may not be it. All I know is that it didn’t work for me. No results.

Goodbye breakouts. 👋🏻

As for the breakouts, I noticed closed comedones and other breakouts emerging from underneath the surface after a day of discontinuing the product. The breakouts put me in a panic because I didn’t want to breakout. Since I did develop some pimples, that got me thinking, has this cream been clogging my pores this whole time??!! Hmmm! 🤔 In about 2 days, the breakouts cleared up very quick. My skin began to take on a softer, smoother appearance. I examined my skin closely in the mirror. Wow, my skin looked clearer and way cleaner than before. It’s not greasy and oily anymore. No more acne? My skin is finally clear?? Indeed it was. A product that I thought was helping my skin was just breaking me out the whole entire time. Who knew! So if you’re consistently having clogged pores/breakouts, check all of your skin care products. It may be a product that you least suspect.

Final Thoughts

I’m pretty shocked that I fixed my skin just by eliminating Eucerin Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream from my face routine. I was dealing with some stubborn acne that just wouldn’t go away. Now, they’re gone. The acne I was dealing with was caused by this face cream this whole time. I currently have no active acne after I stopped using Eucerin. My skin is clear. Finally. I still have a few jars of this cream left. Yeah, I picked up a few just in case I ran out. I thought it worked on my skin at that time, ha! Since I have a few extras, I’m using the face cream as an eye cream and neck cream to use them up. Honestly, I don’t even like it as an eye cream or neck cream anymore. The texture of the cream irks me sometimes. It doesn’t go on the skin clean. It’s more greasy than I previously thought. But, I have to live with it for now. I can’t believe I used it for so many months thinking it was working, lol. So after I finish them, no more. It was nice to try this cream, but it’s time to move on to something that’s more compatible with my skin type. Ahem, doesn’t clog my pores. I already have a new moisturizer and hope it works in the long run. I hope it’s not another Eucerin Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream. I’m still crossing my fingers since the first day I started using it! Check it out right here — Vanicream Daily Facial Moisturizer for Sensitive Skin 👈🏻

Here’s my acne journey if you missed out!!

My Acne Journey: 1 Week In…

My Acne Journey: 2 WEEKS!! 

My Acne Journey: 3 Weeks Results!

My Acne Journey: 4 Weeks Results!

My Acne Journey: 5 WEEKS IN!

My Acne Journey: 6 Weeks Results…

My Acne Journey: 7 Weeks Results

My Acne Journey: 2 MONTHS!! 

My Acne Journey: 2 Months + 1 Week Results!

My Acne Journey: 2 Months + 2 Weeks!

My Acne Journey: 2 Months + 3 Weeks Results!

My Acne Journey: 3 MONTHS!! 😃

My Acne Journey: 3 Months + 1 Week Results

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