1 Month Results SOME BY MI Niacin 30 Days Miracle Brightening Sleeping Mask!!

Some By Mi Yuja Niacin Brightening Sleeping Mask

It’s been about 1 MONTH using SOME BY MI Niacin 30 Days Miracle Brightening Sleeping Mask! Here’s my experience after using it for a month!

So I started off using the sleeping mask a few times a week at night. That’s what a sleeping mask is for. You use it a few times at night. But you can use it more often at night too if you want. Honestly, a sleeping mask from my experience feels just like any other moisturizer. Moisturizers can range from being lightweight, fast-absorbing to rich and creamy. This sleeping mask falls under the lightweight, fast-absorbing, gel-serum category. It’s so lightweight that it doesn’t even feel like a true moisturizer. More like a gel-cream-serum type of product. That works for me because I have oily skin. Heavier skin care products tend to clog my pores and make my skin appear more oily than ever! So if you have dry skin, this may or may not work for you. It feels like it would work better for someone with combination-oily skin. It absorbs the oilies on my face pretty well, but it doesn’t leave my skin feeling too tight due to the natural oiliness of my skin. I always follow-up with another moisturizing moisturizer just in case. This moisturizer isn’t that moisturizing. Technically, I use it as a gel-serum.

This sleeping mask contains beneficial skin care ingredients, such as citrus junos fruit extract (70.5%), niacinamide (5%), panthenol, and jojoba seed oil. Also, it contains peppermint, hippophae rhamnoides fruit extract, arbutin, glutathione, ascorbic acid, and biotin. This sleeping mask contains a lot of ingredients that’ll help to brighten the skin. But did it brighten my skin??? I’m intrigued by the ingredients! It looks SO GOOD!!! 😍

Alright! For the first 3 weeks, I only used it a few times a week (at night). I took it pretty slow. I didn’t know how my skin would react to the sleeping mask. I was afraid that it might break me out. It does contain jojoba seed oil. Jojoba seed oil is a hit or miss on my skin. It may or may not work. In other words, it may or may not break me out. Luckily for me, it didn’t break me out, but there’s another product that I have from SOME BY MI that destroyed my skin. Go here to read about it ~ SOME BY MI Yuja Niacin Brightening Moisture Gel Cream ~ Back to the sleeping mask! When I used the sleeping mask every day (am + pm) for a week, I noticed my overall complexion glowed! It looked brighter and more even-toned. I can’t tell if it helped to fade acne marks. Acne marks can take months to fade. It’s a long process. I’ll have to give it more time to work on acne marks. I’m hoping in the next few weeks that I’ll see some changes in my skin. Let’s just hope! lol. The same applies to dark under eye circles. The ingredients in this product look so good for dark under eye circles. I hope it’ll improve my under eyes too. But, unfortunately, there’s no effect on my freckles. It’s not like I’m trying to fade my freckles. But I just noticed that they haven’t budged, haha. I still have freckles all over my nose and cheeks. Oh well! They’re here to stay! hehe! 🙃

With this sleeping mask, I’m just really glad that I didn’t break out from it. I’m so surprised since it’s not oil-free. Cheers to a new moisturizer in my skin care routine! Cheers to a product that contains niacinamide that works on my skin! I’ve yet found a good product that contains niacinamide that WORKS and didn’t irritate my skin! I’ve been looking forward to using this product every day. It just sinks into my skin and doesn’t leave my skin looking shiny. Great for mornings to control the oilies. It’s working so well so far! Stay tuned for my next update. Coming soon! See you all there! 🙂

For more reviews on brightening skin care products for acne go here! 👈🏻

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